Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Engineering Energy for the Future Essay Contest 2008

Type: Essay Contest

Eligibility: Open to individual girls and boys. This year there are three age categories:
Ages 8-11 - 3rd grade to 5th grade
Ages 12-14 - 6th grade to 8th grade
Ages 15-18 - 9th grade to 12th grade

Deadline: March 1, 2008.

How to Enter the Contest:
Energy fuels our cars, heats our homes, runs our computers and keeps the lights on. We use energy in almost everything we do, but if we aren’t careful there won’t be enough. Engineers have their work cut out for them. The world is counting on them to chart a course to a safe and clean energy future. They will need to come up with useful ways to save energy as well as ways to produce more of it. How can engineers work together to make the world work for the changing needs of people everywhere without damaging the environment? What should they be focusing on, and how will energy shape the future for engineering? Think about how much energy influences your life every day as you prepare your essay to answer the questions above.
Write an essay of no more than 750 words describing how you believe engineers will provide energy for the future. Entries may be submitted as an Email attachment to webcontest@nae.edu.

First-place winners will also receive a check for $500. Second-place entries will be awarded $250. Third-place entries will be awarded $100.

URL Contest: Engineer Girl